Friday, May 17, 2013

10 Simple Ways to Look 10 Years Younger

Most women would like to take a decade off their appearances. Proper skin care is one of the simplest ways to take 10 years off your age. There are also a few other basic tips to make you look and feel more youthful.

Cleanse Twice a Day

Going to bed with your makeup on is sure to dry out your skin and make it look older. Make sure to use a gentle cleanser in the morning and before bed to get rid of dirt, makeup and grime. Never rub your skin and use a soft towel to dry it. A toner removes the last traces of gunk from your skin. Steer clear of harsh toners with ingredients such as alcohol.

Moisturize Your Skin

All skin types require moisture for proper balance, even oily skin. The richness of your skin cream or lotion is determined by how dry your skin feels. Is it taut and flaky? Use a thick skin cream. Does it shine and get oily? Choose a light lotion. Apply moisturizer after cleansing twice a day. Use upward motions and remember to include your neck and décolletage.

Exfoliate Dead Skin Away

Use an exfoliator once a day or a few times a week to slough off dead skin cells. This helps reveal the youthful skin under the surface for a more glowing appearance.

Use a Facial Mask Once a Week

A facial mask for your skin type is the perfect way to maintain healthy skin. From getting rid of blackheads to infusing moisture into dry areas, there are facial masks for every purpose. Look for natural ingredients such as aloe, honey and clay.

Take Special Care of the Area Around Your Eyes

The skin around your eyes is thinner and more delicate, which makes it subject to fine lines. Take care of it by using a special eye cream rather than your regular moisturizer.

Drink Plenty of Water

Water helps to hydrate your skin from within. It also flushes toxins out of your system. Sip six to eight glasses of water each day for optimum health.

Eat Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

The food we eat shines through our skin. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and veggies for the vitamins and minerals your skin needs to be more beautiful. Choose low-fat dairy, whole grains and lean protein for skin that is smooth. Avoid excess salt so your eye area does not get puffy.

Exercise Five Days a Week

Your skin has blood vessels and your circulation affects how your skin looks. Exercise five days a week for at least 30 minutes to boost your circulation for better skin and health.

Smile More, Frown Less

Smiling takes fewer muscles than frowning and smile lines are prettier. Frowning can make your face look older and add unattractive lines in places you don't want them.

Love the Skin You're In

A positive self image reflects from the inside out. When you feel good about the skin you're in, it shows at any age and makes you look fabulous.

Image Source: © Djma | 
Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images

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